What are Teachers’ and Students’ Views of the Learning-teaching Process? A Study on Turkish Language and Literature

Hüma Nayman, Sertel Altun


This study aims to examine teachers’ and students’ views of learning-teaching on Turkish Language and Literature course. Also, this study aims to determine the prior learning-teaching strategies of teachers and students. It was designed by qualitative research approach, phenomenology design. In the study, there are two participant groups; teachers and students. In sampling for both teachers and students, convenient sampling of purposive sampling type was used. Semi-structured interview questions were used as a data collection tool. Accordingly, content analysis was deemed proper to analyze the data. As a result, teachers’ and students’ views on learning and teaching are compatible with each other in a general framework such as self-study, students’ involvement, active lesson process, teaching the lesson as art and especially the importance of reading habit. However; in the learning-teaching process, teachers’ most strong emphasis was on individual differences, different/active methods implementations during the lesson and; whereas students’ emphasis was on learning strategies such as memorizing, coding, doing research, observing and teachers’ interest in them. It can be seen in the findings that teachers tend to teach the course by enabling learners to participate and students would like to have an active lesson process. Teachers and students share a similar idea on the fact that the Turkish Language and Literature course is an art; so, the learning-teaching process should be formed accordingly. According to the findings teachers’ and students check the understanding by productivity and test results. Conclusively, teachers and students are keen on an active teaching environment; reading habit is one of the most important skill as the course’s attainment, however exam pressure can limit their actions.


Turkish Language and Literature, Learning and Teaching Process, Learning and Teaching Theories, Active Learning, Reading Habit

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.12n.3.p.28


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