Turkish Language Teacher Metaphors of Pre-service Teachers According to Their Perceptions

Mehmet Fatih Özcan


The aim of this study is to determine the pre-service teachers' perceptions related to teacher / Turkish language teacher concepts through metaphors. The study group consists of first and fourth grade undergraduate students from Department of Turkish Language Teaching of Faculty of Education of Ağrı province and graduate students from Turkish Language Education in 2018-2019 academic years. The research data was collected with open ended questions. With the questions as “How do you think the concept teacher can be expressed with different words? Why?” related to teacher concept, “What is the first reaction and the first sentence you hear from the people when you tell them that you are a Turkish language teacher/study in the department of Turkish Language Teaching?” related to Turkish language teacher concept, and “What are the three words that you think of when Turkish language teacher is mentioned?” related to Turkish language teacher concept, preferability levels of the metaphors were determined with frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation; and t test was used to determine the difference between gender and views of the participants according to grade. According to the results obtained from the study, it was determined that the participants presented both positive and negative metaphors related to the questions. While a high number of positive metaphors such as educator / instructor, leading / guide / leader and father / mother, compassion, laborer, friend, honest, self-sacrificing, hope are produced, negative metaphors such as Hope killer / hangman and expropriator are also produced. Of the metaphors produced about the Turkish language teacher, the first four came out as silver-tongued/ calligraphic, grammar, book and poet / poem. In addition, metaphors like Unemployed and With Poor Turkish/Short-tempered were also produced.


Teacher, Turkish Language Teacher, Metaphor

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.6p.72


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