The Interaction of Code-switching and EFL Teachers’ Perceptions on their Teacher Identity Development

Suna Altun


This study aimed to explore pre-service English language teachers` perceptions of code-switching (CS) in language classrooms and how their perceptions affect their teacher identity development. Three pre-service teachers from a private university in Istanbul, Turkey participated in the study. The data were collected through semi-structured individual interviews and graphic elicitation tasks. The data were analyzed and codes were obtained, which later on provided three main themes: the effect of past experiences, perceptions towards CS, and identity development. It was discussed that the pre-service teachers’ past language learning experiences influenced their CS perception both of which in turn affected their identity as self and the practice they demonstrated as language pre-service teachers. It is implied that pre-service teachers’ identity development together with influencing factors such as language choice in EFL classrooms can be incorporated into the teacher education programs.


Pre-service English Language Teacher, Code-switching, Identity Development, Perceptions, Past Experiences, Language Choice, Feelings

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