Temporal Deixis in Balinese Language

I. Nyoman Kardana, Made Sri Satyawati


This study analyzed the forms of temporal deixis found in Balinese, one of the biggest local languages in Indonesia. Data was collected from oral communication by Balinese speakers who live in Denpasar, the capital city of the island of Bali. Data was obtained through observation and elicitation method completed with recording and note taking technique. The collected data was analyzed by inductive approach so that the clear and detail description about temporal deixis could be reached. The result of analysis shows that the forms of Balinese temporal deixis can be divided into the forms referring to the past, present, and future tense. The forms are also distinguished between definite and indefinite temporal deixis. Two kinds of temporal markers are also found in Balinese, they are di marker for past and buin/bin marker for future. The form mani and ibi does not obligatorily need the markers but the other temporal forms really need the markers to make a complete meaning and reference.


Balinese, Temporal Deixis, Marker, Definite, Indefinite, Oral Communication

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.1p.17


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