In Search for New Translational Norms: Textual Additions in Parentheses as Devices of Textuality

Mohammad Amin Hawamdeh


This study aims at exploring new norms as to the textual additions in parentheses (=TAiPs) in the translation of a Quranic text as writer-oriented devices of textuality. Coding for this sort of information could be useful in establishing an impact on any decision-making process on the TL version; such TAiPs can give a translated text of the Quran unity and purpose and distinguish it from a disconnected sequence of sentences. Six small-sized chapters of the Quran were selected as a research sample including a number of four handred forty two (442) TAiPs. Two writer-oriented kinds of textuality were found: cohesivity at the levels of grammar and lexis to be in form of recurrence, reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction; and relationality by coherence and intentionality to be in form of reiteration, collocation, connotation, evocation and interpretation. The study is a detailed analysis of such a severely criticized yet officially approved English interpretation of the Quran as the Hilali and Khan Translation (=HKT) against a predetermined set of text-linguistic norms. The strength or weakness of TAiPs as to how they might alleviate or aggravate the TL version is eventually identified for sake of improvement.


Textual Addition in Parentheses (Taip), Cohesivity and Relationality, Translation, The Quran, Hilali and Khan

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