The Effects of Problem Solving, Project-Based Learning, Linguistic Intelligence and Critical Thinking on the Students’ Report Writing

- Yusri


The aim of this research is to know the effects of problem solving, project based learning, linguistic intelligence and critical thinking on the students’ report writing. Linguistic intelligence, critical thinking and report writing tests are used to collect the data. Two-factor ANOVA at 0.05 significance level are applied statistically. The findings of this research showed that (1) The students’ report writing skill taught through problem solving was higher than those who were taught through project based learning. (2) There were interactions among problem solving, project based learning, linguistic intelligence and critical thinking on the students’ report writing. (3) The students’ report writing who were taught through problem solving and having high linguistic intelligence and high critical thinking is higher than those who were taught through project based learning and having high linguistic intelligence and high critical thinking (4) The students’ report writing skill who were taught through problem solving and having low linguistic intelligence and low critical thinking is lower than those who were taught through project based learning and having low linguistic intelligence and low critical thinking.

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