Examination of Turkish Teacher Candidates’ Critical Thinking Dispositions and Their Attitudes toward Book Reading Habits According to Various Variables

Nazife Elif KOÇER, Muharrem Kürşad YANGİL


This study aimed to determine the levels of Turkish teacher candidates’ critical thinking dispositions and their attitudes toward book reading habits, examine them according to various variables, and reveal the relationship between Turkish teacher candidates’ critical thinking dispositions and their attitudes toward book-reading habits. A relational survey model was used in this study. The study sample consists of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade Turkish teacher candidates who studied in the Department of Turkish Education in the Faculty of Education of a state university in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. The research data were collected using the “Personal Information Form” prepared by the researchers, the “Critical Thinking Dispositions Scale” developed by Akbıyık (2002), and the “Attitude Scale towards Reading Habit” developed by Gömleksiz (2004). The valid 165 questionnaires were analyzed in statistical programs. As a result of analyzes, it was determined that the critical thinking dispositions of Turkish teacher candidates and their total attitudes towards their reading habits were slightly above the level of “I agree”. According to the results obtained, Turkish teacher candidates’ critical thinking dispositions differ significantly according to the average number of books read monthly and the grade point average variables. Attitudes toward book reading habits also differ significantly according to the average number of books read monthly and grade point average variables. Furthermore, there is a moderately positive and significant correlation between Turkish teacher candidates’ critical thinking dispositions and their attitudes toward book-reading habits.


Turkish Teacher Candidates, Critical Thinking Disposition, Attitude toward the Book Reading Habit

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.10n.2p.20


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