The Role of Agile Teams in the Delivery of Distance Education in Saudi Universities Amid the COVID-19 Crisis: Qualitative Data Analysis

Amal Rashed Al-Hamdan, Sami G. Alsulami


The objective of this study is to investigate the role of agile teams in the service delivery of Saudi higher education amid the COVID-19 crisis. The qualitative design of this study allows for an open-ended data collection instrument defined by a semi-structured interview process and thematic data analysis. The study employs a purposive strategy to sampling whereby direct engagements are administered between the author and individual participants. The study therefore analyzes data inductively and reports results where codes are defined, patterns are identified, and themes are generated. The first theme is that the future of Saudi higher education is learner-focused. The second theme is that the value of agile teams increases in the level of operational complexity of distance education. The Fourth theme is that the COVID-19 crisis is leaving a permanent impact on the way higher education is delivered. The fifth theme is that the agility features of adaptability and responsiveness are highly desirable in Saudi higher education settings. The sixth theme is the great potential for agile teams in the delivery of distance education is to enhance learners’ labor market competitiveness while augmenting their sense of responsible citizenship. The study implies that agile teams have great potential in the service delivery of Saudi higher education.


Distance Education, Agile Teams, COVID-19

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