Cognitive Constructs of Teacher Candidates on Ideal Qualifications of Academicians

Oğuzhan Sevim, Durdağı Akan, İsa Yıldırım


The aim of the study is to analyze the cognitive construct of teacher candidates on ideal qualifications of academicians. Since the study has both quantitative and qualitative dimensions, it has been conducted in accordance with the exploratory sequential design which is a kind of mixed method. The study included twenty-four teacher candidates who were studying at different departments, at Kazım Karabekir Faculty of Education, Atatürk University during 2019-2020 spring semester. Since the cognitive constructs of teacher candidates on ideal qualifications of academicians were questioned, the repertory grid method was used for data collection. Data obtained in the study were analyzedwith quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. In conclusion, many cognitive constructs regarding academicians were obtained. The frequency of referring to cognitive constructs showed that teacher candidates expect academicians to have the values such as respect, justice, democracy, and impartiality, to be sympathetic, sincere, tolerant, humanist, and reliable in their relations, to attach importance to several features such as being disciplined, well-informed, being effective instructors, researchers, and being up-to-date while fulfilling their duties.


Teacher Candidates, Ideal Qualifications of Academicians, Cognitive Construct, Repertory Grid Technique

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