Flipped Classroom Approach for Improving Speaking Skills of TVET Trainees

Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh, Hardev Singh Sokhal Jaswant Singh, Tarsame Singh Masa Singh, Hasimah Ja’afar, Maria Shu Abdullah, Nor Azmi Mostafa, Muhamad Lothfi Zamri


Flipped Classroom is an approach that is rapidly gaining recognition as a novel teaching approach among Technical and Vocational Engineering and Training institutes in Malaysia. This research aimed at investigating the use of the flipped classroom approach for enhancing Food and Beverage TVET trainees’ speaking skills in view of the need to have a good command of the English Language in the workplace. A qualitative research approach specifically a case study research design was used in this study. Classroom observation, semi-structured interviews (for ESL trainees) and document analysis were used to collect data. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the classroom observation and interviews. A pre-test and post-test were administered to ascertain the TVET trainees’ performance in speaking skills. The study was carried out in a Level Two, Food and Beverage class which consists of 25 trainees and the researcher as an English Language lecturer. Findings revealed that teaching and learning tools by using video creates a positive atmosphere among the trainees both outside and inside the classroom. It was also revealed that using resources such as YouTube videos as guidance for them to dramatise their role according to the situation given by their lecturer in the class builds confidence and ability to engage with peers. The findings of this study revealed that the flipped classroom approach was effective for IKBN (Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara) Food and Beverage trainees because it enhanced their speaking skills based on industry needs.


Flipped Classroom Approach, TVET Trainees, Speaking Skills

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijalel.v.7n.7p.40


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