The Use of Picture-word Inductive Model and Readers’ Theater to Improve Chinese EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning Achievement

Cui Gu, Thanachart Lornklang


Vocabulary, as the fundament of any language, is one of the most crucial aspects of language learning. And it also draws great attention from Chinese learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). This study conducted an experiment to examine the effectiveness of the picture-word inductive model (PWIM) and readers’ theater on Chinese primary EFL learners’ vocabulary learning achievement. The samples were 34 fifth-grade students from a primary school of China. The students received a vocabulary learning treatment with the lesson plans constructed based on the picture-word inductive model and readers’ theater using Chinese Cheng-yu, and an English vocabulary learning achievement test was conducted before and after the treatment. Results of the test showed that the students’ mean scores in the posttest were significantly improved than in the pre-test, and results of the questionnaire showed that the participants were highly satisfied with learning English via picture-word inductive model and readers’ theater. The results indicated that learning English via picture-word inductive model and readers’ theater is an effective way for improving learners’ English vocabulary learning achievement as it provides the visual support and opportunities for learners to engage in vocabulary acquisition.


Picture-word Inductive Model (PWIM), Readers’ Theater, Chinese Cheng-yu, Chinese Learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Vocabulary Learning Achievement, Language Learning

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