Exploring the Impact of Performance-based Assessment on Malian EFL Learners’ Motivation

Kadidja Koné


This study investigates university English learners’ motivational and emotional responses to a performance-based assessment project before and after the project. Data were collected from 25 students learning English as a foreign language using two motivation questionnaires while they were working individually on a project called “Identity Poem”. A quantitative analysis of the data using descriptive and inferential statistics revealed that participants were highly motivated before and after the project. This increase in the level of motivation at both stages could be explained by the supportive behavior of the teacher and by the topic of the project that aroused curiosity and interest. Their emotional state was also positive at both stages due to their perception of the feasibility of the project and a high level of confidence resulting from outstanding performance. Regarding the qualitative data, an analysis based on the number of references to a pattern was utilized. The findings corroborated the high level of motivation observed with the quantitative results before and after the project. They additionally supported the quantitative findings indicating that the participants’ emotional state was relatively positive. However, a few learners were anxious, but their anxiety did not prevent them from completing the project. Regarding the pedagogical implications, project work can be used as an alternative in assessment so that learners can stay motivated during the assessment process. To achieve this aim, language teachers need to ensure that a project is within the learners’ reach and provide them with quality feedback at every stage.


Emotion, Motivation, Identity Poem, Performance-based Assessment, Project, Response, Variation

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