Self-regulated Learning Strategies of Learners of English in a Turkish State University to Improve their Language Proficiency

Burak Tomak, Gölge Seferoğlu


In today’s world, it is recognized that learners should be in charge of their own learning. Therefore, language learners are expected to regulate their language learning process. This study aimed at investigating the self-regulation process a group of language learners at A1 level went through during a one-year English prep program they attended at a state university in Turkey. The students were to get English medium instruction (EMI) in their departments if they passed the English proficiency exam at the end of the year. Ten participants were selected based on the results of Strategy Inventory for language learning (SILL) (Oxford, & Burry-Stock, 1995), which was applied on 169 English language students who started their language learning with A1 level. On the basis of the questionnaire results, three students were selected from the higher average learners, three students were selected from below average learners and four students were chosen from average learners. These ten participants were interviewed twice: at the end of the first term and the second term. It was found that learners who were highly self-regulated had both self-study time and evaluated their development in terms of linguistic competence. Based on the findings, it can be suggested that learners must monitor their language development and plan their own learnings accordingly.


Self-regulation, Learner Strategies, English Medium Instruction, English Proficiency, A1 Level Learner, Turkish learners of English

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