Quality as Determinant for Long Shelf Life and Consumer Loyalty in Nollywood Productions

Rasaki Ojo Bakare, Oluwatayo B. Isijola, Lillian Eguriase Bakare


Nollywood, is the Nigerian film industries that had evolved without state support, and was ranked as as the world’s second largest producers of movies by UNESCO Institute of Statistics. However, the industry has continued to incur the negative consequences of poor quality production on consumers’ patronage and shelf life of produce, in spite of abiding growth propensity. It is against this backdrop that this research was conducted to examine production quality as determinant for long shelf life and consumers’ loyalty in Nollywood movies. The study, which focuses on grassroots, employs the mixed methods research, combining interview, survey, and content analysis as methods for data collection. It argues that the abiding problem of quality in the industry, which is grounded on colonial cinematic legacies, was perpetuated by the failure of Government to align the industry as a viable sub-sector for economic growth. Thus, the study establishes that there is a direct correlation between the poor production quality, diminishing consumer loyalty and a trifling shelf life of Nigerian movies amidst the increasingly high volume of movie produce. The study concludes that piracy is the fundamental problem that militates against quality investment, which engenders compromise in production quality, and grounds poor consumer patronage and low shelf life. Therefore, the study recommends the need for Government to harness the viability of the industry by engaging needful interventions for the structuring and the development of a bankable movie industry, through legislation and implementation of policies that can stimulate, protect and sustain quality productions of the Nigerian video films.


Consumer loyalty, Grassroots, Nollywood, Piracy, Quality and Shelf life

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.11n.5p.37


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