Evaluation of Suitability of a Listening Textbook for English Majors in Universities of China

Xuezhu Zhang


Textbooks occurring in diverse social settings points to the need to make textbook evaluation in its social context. Many researchers have highlighted the significance of evaluating textbooks in local practices. The present study aims at exploring the suitability of a listening textbook--- A Listening Course(I) published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in terms of content analysis. The analysis of the textbook finds that the general organization of the book, text types, listening tasks and activities are mostly suitable for first-grade English majors, but it still needs improvement on theme interests, authenticity, task options and assessment. Although ALC is a localized textbook, it still mirrors the macrocosm of English language teaching. The findings of this study will shed light on developing listening materials for textbook developers in order to avoid some pitfalls, and enlighten teachers on selecting suitable listening textbooks.


Textbook Evaluation, A Listening Course, Listening Materials, Listening, Suitability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.11n.4p.87


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