Dramatic Literature and the Fight against Terror, Insurgency and Insecurity in Nigeria: Yerima’s Vision in Heart of Stone

Mbachaga Desen Jonathan


Issues of security of lives and property flood the news in Nigeria with focus on mayhem, bombings, brutality and mind boggling killings of persons. The fear has gone beyond that of armed robbery gangs to fear of kidnappers, political assassins and insurgent bombings which have become daily features of our news and social landscape. This paper takes a critical excursion into Ahmed Yerima’s Heart of Stone and explores his angst against insurgency and its causes in Nigeria highlighting religious intolerance and hate as well as poverty as strong reasons for this trend in Nigeria. The study uses content analysis to extract key issues captured by Yerima and discusses these issues in relation to socio political happenings in Nigeria. Findings reveal that, religious clerics abuse their place of authority by instigating and influencing innocent followers to commit violent acts of terror. It was also found that poverty is a strong force in influencing young people to seek better lively hood thereby becoming vulnerable to easy recruitment as terrorists. The paper submits, among others, that the disrespect to life occasioned by religious violence and insurgency places a demand on us as artiste and writers to arouse social conscience as we search for peaceful existence within the realities of our new modernity. This calls for a return to the core values of promoting love, tolerance, peace and above all, respect to life. Our writing as dramatists is called upon to throw its searchlight and prod conscience as it speaks to these issues. The paper concludes that, Nigeria’s unity is threatened by religious intolerance and hate and has led to threats of regions breaking to form independent states like Biafra, Oduduwa, Arewa Nation, Middle Belt and several others. A focus on the socio economic wellbeing of the poor and less privileged in our society and provision of basic amenities will go a long way in curbing this menace.


Insurgency, Terrorism, Violence, Ethno – religious Conflicts, Religious Tolerance, Insecurity in Nigeria

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.5p.83


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