The Use of Picture Word Inductive Model Focusing on Chinese Culture to Promote Young Learners’ English Vocabulary Acquisition

Meilin Zhao, Thanachart Lornklang


As the foundation of English, the vocabulary difficulty should be removed first with effective instructions to develop learners’ English ability in order to meet the request of Thailand’s national curriculum. In addition, because English is used as a medium of intercultural communication and one component of language learning, diverse cultural contents should be combined with English teaching. Therefore the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of using picture word inductive model (PWIM) focusing on Chinese culture to promote young learners’ English vocabulary acquisition. This pre-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design was conducted on grade six students for six weeks at private schools, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province in Thailand. The instruments in this study were lesson plans based on picture word inductive model using Chinese culture and English vocabulary acquisition test. After analyzing the data using mean (x̄), standard deviation (S.D.) and t-test, the findings showed that the post-test mean score of English vocabulary acquisition of grade six students who had learned English through picture word inductive model focusing on Chinese culture was significantly higher than the pre-test one at the.05 level. The study indicates that using picture word inductive model focusing on Chinese culture is an effective instruction in promoting young learners’ vocabulary acquisition as it provides learners attractive visual support to widen and deepen the application of the vocabulary and cultural knowledge.


Picture Word Inductive Model (Pwim), English and Culture, Chinese Culture, Language Acquisition, English Vocabulary, English Learners in Thailand

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