Avoiding Homosexuality: A Critical Perspective of Bangladeshi Readers to English Literature

Dipak Kumar Sarkar, Sharmin Rahman Bipasha


English literature has faced homosexuality in a progressive manner though it has been through a struggling history. That is why a lot of writers of English literature have expressed and enjoyed themselves in their own ways. This paper addresses a few famous writers whose approaches in this regard have been homosexual in type. After looking at the societal love, norms and analysis of Sigmund Freud, this paper approaches Bangladesh and her view in this regard. This paper finds a kind of interdicted move from Bangladesh toward the homosexually important texts and finds the need to have a reciprocal approach. Finally, the outcome of this paper indicates to explain a critical perspective of Bangladeshi readers’ psychology that is how and why they avoid homosexuality as well as literary texts implied with it.


Homosexuality, Sexual Orientation, Sexual Psychology, Readers’ Psychology, Homosexuality in English Literature, Bangladeshi Readers’ Interdiction towards Homosexuality

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.4p.1


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