ArabicYahya Saleh Hasan Dahami*

Yahya Saleh Hasan


The impetus for studying this topic is self-obligation to reveal the Arabic language and Arab cultural heritage as well as the old sense of worth. A’mru ibn Kolthoum is one of the greatest poets who expounded graceful portraits of gifted Arabs in the pre-Islamic period by intellectuality of using the classical language. The researcher in this article undertakes to probe the depth of the poetry of A’mru ibn Kolthoum as an illustration of the immensity of the Arabic language as well as being a symbol of pride. A’mru ibn Kolthoum deserves literary analysis, paying attention mainly to his Mua’llagah as an inheritance of the standard Arabic language. The poetry of A’mru ibn Kolthoum, as one of the Mua’llaqat inventor, has been barely studied. His poetry of superiority is paid less investigation. This study aims to shed light on the way A’mru ibn Kolthoum thrived in writing an impressive piece of poetry called Al-Mua’llagah. The study is an attempt to reveal, to what extent; ibn Kolthoum has done to contribute to the enrichment of classical Arabic language via his Mua’llagah. The study, using the critical-analytical approach, opens with an introduction on Arabic as a medium poetic language, making clear the significance and prominence of the Arabic language and its influence and contribution to the heritage of Arabs. Then the paper moves to sort out the creator of this literary piece under-study, focusing on the personality of the poet-knight A’mru ibn Kolthoum, his poetry, and his tribe. Thenceforth, the researcher shifts to the central part which is an analytical examination of his Mua’llagah revolving about pride and dignity and tyranny. The paper concludes with an afterword viewing the findings and recommendations if any.


Arabic Language, Arabia, Diwan Al-Arab, Influence, Pre-Islam Mua’llagah, Poetry

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