Validation of ‘Self-perception of ESL Learners’ Listening Comprehension Problems and Metacognitive Listening Strategy Use’ Questionnaire

Seyedehsima Sadatmir, Vahid Nimehchisalem, Ain Nazdimah Abdullah


According to the literature, listening comprehension problems mostly relate to the shortage of learners’ metacognition in listening. Through reviewing the developed instruments on listening comprehension problems and metacognitive listening strategy use, some shortcomings can be detected in available instruments. This paper adapts the previous instruments and seeks to explore their shortcomings by adding supplementary sections and items to them. It also aims to validate the new instrument. The adapted questionnaires are Listening Comprehension Problems Questionnaire (LCPQ) and Metacognitive Listening Strategy Questionnaire (MLSQ). The adapted instrument is validated by a panel of experts (n= 3) and a Field- Test (n= 28). The changes are presented in this paper. Results show 9 items of LCPQ and 6 items of MLSQ have been revised by the experts. The modified questionnaires were tested for their internal reliability and the Cronbach’s alpha values were greater than 0.7. According to the Field- Test’s results, 2 items are added to LCPQ and 1 item is added to MLSQ. Moreover, 1 item of LCPQ and 1 item of MLSQ are changed by applying participant’s comments. The developed instrument named ‘Self- perception of LCP (Listening Comprehension Problems) and MLSU (Metacognitive Listening Strategy Use)’ is predicted to be effective for researchers who are concerned with the same area in different contexts. The new instrument will help researchers to identify the perceived metacognitive listening strategy use and listening comprehension problems among ESL/EFL learners with different listening comprehension abilities. Future surveys would validate the effectiveness of the current instrument.


ESL (English as a Second Language) Learners, Metacognitive Listening Strategy use (MLSU), Listening Comprehension Problems (LCP), Metacognitive Listening Strategy Questionnaire (MLSQ), Listening Comprehension Problem Questionnaire (LCPQ), TESL (Teaching E

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