Social Values in Charles Dickens’s Novel “Oliver Twist”

Sylvia Irene Persulessy, - Emzir, - AcengRahmat


The objective of this research is to acquire deep understanding about social values in the novels Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The type of research was qualitative by using content analysis method. The data collected through document study and data observation about social values in the novel. The result of this research revealed that social values found and described in the novel Oliver Twist were love values consist of love and affection, dedication, mutual help, kinship, concern, and loyalty. Responsible values consist of sense of acceptance and belonging, obligations and discipline. Harmony of life values consist of justice, tolerance, cooperation, and democracy. The values were found and described through generic structure of the novel by the text quotations. Those results led to implication that Indonesian literature educators can apply Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist directly in the teaching process and motivate the students to analyze the novels.


Social Values, Generic Structure Approach, Novel

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