The Philosophical Values of the Buginese-makassarese Women in the novel Pulau Based on the Adat Point of View: A Genetic Structural Review

Syarifuddin Tundreng, E. Emzir, Ninuk Lustyantie


The purpose of this study is to obtain an in-depth understanding of the description of Buginese-Makassarese women’s values in the novel Pulau by Aspar Paturusi from a customary (adat) point of view completely and intact. This research, using a qualitative approach with content analysis method. Data were collected through a recurrent and profound reading of the novel. Subsequently, recording, coding, identification, and classification were made. The data were analyzed and interpreted through a deep understanding and abstraction of the society described in the novel. The research findings show that in the life of the society of the ‘70s, the values of Buginese-Makassarese women in the novel Pulau by Aspar Paturusi covering the values of glory, loyalty, and tenacity value, adherence value, and family honor are highly preserved, nurtured, and upheld. These values are attached to Buginese-Makassarese women because they are able to understand and apply their roles and functions as identity, pride, and family honor.


Gender Values, Buginese-makassarese Female, Customs, Adat, Novel Pulau, Genetic Structures

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