Curriculum Model for Indonesian Major at Busan University of Foreign Studies

Park Jin Ryeo, - Emzir, Ninuk Lustyantie


Indonesian Major at Busan University of Foreign Studies has no standardize curriculum in the program. Since the program was established in 1982, teaching process is given based on lecture’s lesson plans. This method berings to inconsistency in grading the language competence. This affect the language skill of the students in the working fields. The goal of the study is to develop a curriculum model that will relate the standard of competence, syllabus, and lesson plans with cross-cultural understanding, namely culture-based curriculum. The materials of the curriculum are compiled from selected cultural elements. Cultural aspects that can be utilized in the preparation of teaching materials are (1) a system of life equipment and supplies; (2) The livelihood system; (3) the social system; (4) language, (5) the arts; (6) the knowledge system; and (7) the religious system.


Indonesian Major, Culture-based Curriculum, Curriculum, Curriculum Model, Cultural Elements

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