Moral Values in Oral Tradition Bekesah Puspakrama at the Sasak Community in the West Nusa Tenggara (A Structural and Semiotic Review)

Ahmad Turmuzi, E. Emzir, Ninuk Lustyantie


This study aims to gain a deep understanding in detail in accordance with the research focus on “Moral Values in Oral Tradition of Bekesah Puspakrama at the Sasak Community in the West Nusa Tenggara”. This research is not bound by the place because this research is library research. The approach used is qualitative, structural and semiotic approach design with content analysis technique. As a whole the text on Bekesah Puspakrama script consists of 533 verses of song and 152 pages. The researchers found 230 verses of song containing moral values according to sub-focus. Oral tradition is a cultural heritage of a society of previous generations that still exist today and become an identity for the community. The oral tradition of Bekesah Puspakrama has a position and serves as a system of social protection and control, ritual and cultural identity, as well as education and instruction for the Sasak community. The implications and targets aimed at this research have an impact on Indonesian language education and Indonesian literary majors, especially on the teaching of oral literature and oral tradition, especially those related to the content of values in the manuscript. Furthermore, it is expected as one of the alternative teaching materials and can be used as a reference in analyzing other literary works.


Moral Values, Oral Tradition, Bekesah Puspakrama, Sasak Community, Structural Approach, Semiotic Approach

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