Development of Teaching Materials of Poetry Writing Using Pictures for the Elementary Students

- Satinem, - Juwati


The research aims to develop the product of Teaching Materials of Poetry Writing Using Pictures. This developed teaching material result is expected to be used by the students of grade V of SD Xaverius Lubuklinggau, SD Negeri 44 Lubuklinggau, and SD Negeri 20 Lubuklinggau in learning to write poetry.The method used in research is research and development or better known as R & D.If the calculation of the data is smaller than the alpha value (0.05), it means that there has been a significant difference before it is used after the use of poetry writing materials compared to the KKM of each school, so that the Teaching Materials of Poetry Writing Using Pictures is declared effective. From the calculation bySPSS, the results obtained for the test value tcount 11.219 and ttable 2.045 for (d) 30 and alpa 0.05 in high level group students of SD Xaverius. While for the average level group shows the value of tcount 9,416 and ttable 2.042 for (d) 30 and alpha 0.05. For the low group level, gained the tcount value of 4.859 and ttable 2,110 for (d) 17 and alpha 0.05, thus it can be concluded that tcount> ttable, so H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted. In the other word, it can be concluded that tcount> ttable, so that H0 is rejected.Based on t test result from three schools, it can be concluded that tcount> ttable, so H0 is rejected, and Ha accepted. The average value of learning completeness after using writing materials is the same or greater with the Minimal Completeness Criteria (KKM) in each school, meaning that the teaching materials is effective used to improve the students’ ability in writing poetry.


Writing Poetry, Assisted Picture, Teaching Materials, Research and Development

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