Item Analysis of a Multiple-Choice Exam
Although foreign language testing has been subject to some changes in line with the different perspectives on learning and language teaching, multiple-choice items have been considerably popular regardless of these perspectives and trends in foreign language teaching. There have been some studies focusing on the efficiency of multiple choice items in different contexts. In Turkish context multiple choice items have been commonly used as standardized stake holder tests as a requirement for undergraduate level for the departments such as English Language Teaching, Western Languages and Literatures and Translation Studies and academic progress of the students in departments. Moreover, multiple choice items have been used noticeably in all levels of language instruction. However, there hasn’t been enough item analysis of multiple-choice tests in terms of item discrimination, item facility and distractor efficiency. The present study aims to analyze the multiple choice items aiming to test grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension and administrated at a state university to preptory class students. In the study, 453 students’ responses have been analyzed in terms of item facility, item discrimination and distractor efficiency by using the frequency showing the distribution of the responses of prepatory students. The study results reveal that, most of the items are at the moderate level in terms of item facility. Besides, the results show that 28% of the items have a low item discrimination value. Finally, the frequency results were analyzed in terms of distractor efficiency and it has been found that some distractors in the exam are significantly ineffective and they should be revised.
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