The Influence of Explicit Cross-Linguistic Consciousness-Raising on the EL Writing of the Iranian English Language Learners

Seyyed Yavar Hosseininik, Hamid Rahmani Sangani


This study investigates the effects of cross-linguistic consciousness-raising through comparing and contrasting learners’L1 (Persian) and L2 (English) on their L2 written performance. To do this, sixty intermediate language learners, both male and female, learning English at two private institutes in Yasuj, Iran, were chosen as the participants of the study. They were assigned to four groups, two experimental groups and two control groups. Two language items, i.e. subject-verb agreement and adverb position in a sentence were chosen as the materials to be taught in the study. At first, Three kinds of tests, i.e. recognition test, translation test and writing production test checking the participants’ recognition of errors, proper use and correct production of the chosen language items respectively, were administered as the pre-tests. Afterwards, the experimental groups were taught through consciousness-raising techniques but the control groups were taught through traditional ways of grammar teaching. After four weeks of instruction, the participants were given post-tests being parallel to the pre-tests. The mean scores comparison and contrast for the pre-tests and the post-tests through using Paired T-test revealed a significant improvement in the experimental group’s written performance with regard to recognition, proper use and production of the two chosen language items. The findings indicate that cross-linguistic consciousness-raising activities do have a positive effect on the participants’ written performance. 

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Advances in Language and Literary Studies

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