Use of Psychological Techniques in Classroom Management with Arab context

Badia Hakim


The said study focuses on the importance of effective use of psychological techniques in classroom management in Arab context. Pragmatic studies have established the effects of change in behavior on learning abilities of the students. This study scrutinizes the enhancement in investigation to confirm cognitive enhancement and stimulus among learners as it is significant so as to keep the discipline and boost the acquisition context in the class. The notion of the cognitive manner has dignity of uniqueness and inevitability in bringing about prime changes in the academic performance as well as behavior of the students. Psychological techniques have an impact on the course of academic performance of a student and determine the path of success in    order    to   gain    desired   results.   For this study    several psychological techniques were focused that can effectively be applied in the class controlling. This research also focused on the mapping out of the relationship between learning and discipline.  The researcher observed two classrooms at the English Language institute (women’s main campus) having same instructors for two modules. This study describes the lethal effects of bitter behavior with the learners who produce a context where students’ behavior turns aggressive and learning abilities get negatively affected.  Though, this is imperative and of integral importance to evaluates the efficacy of cognitive procedures in class controlling and order. Further, the cognitive requirements of the learners should be observed so as to gauge the correct measures taken to enhance the learning process.  Involving peer checking at this level to observe and get more reliable and valid result is also a great scenario.



ELI, Psychological, cognitive, stimulus, classroom controlling, motivate, procedure, teacher

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