A Study of Students’ Attitude toward Teachers’ Affective Factors in EFL Classrooms
In any teaching-learning situation, teacher plays a significant role in the classroom. This study aimed at investigating the students’ attitude toward teachers’ affective factors in EFL classrooms. In this study, the students’ population was 300 pre-intermediate (based on the institutes’ placement test) female EFL students (10 to 25 years old) in four English language institutes located in Rafsanjan. In accordance with Morgan and Krejcie table (1970), 160 pre-intermediate female EFL students were selected randomly as the sample size from four English language institutes in Rafsanjan. The results revealed that teachers’ self-confidence, attitude toward English culture, attitude toward English language, attitude toward English people, lack of anxiety(class management), lack of anxiety(topic management), integrative motivation, and instrumental motivation were the affective factors that could affect students’ English language learning. The most important factor to affect the students’ achievement was teachers’ integrative motivation and the least important factor was teachers’ lack of anxiety (topic management).
Keywords: Affective Factors, Attitude, EFL (English as a foreign language) students
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