The Effects of Pre-Reading Activities on Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Learners
This study investigated the effects of three types of pre-reading activities (movie-watching, vocabulary presentation, and pre-reading summarization) on the reading comprehension of 76 elementary-level EFL Iranian learners. The participants were randomly assigned to one control and three experimental conditions and then a pretest was given to them. After completing the initial stages, participants in all groups read the same passages under different conditions for seven sessions. Each group was then given a posttest. After that, Paired-samples T-tests were run to find out if the participants had made any significant gains from the pretests to the posttests, which proved to be the case. Results of a One-way ANOVA also revealed that students who had received treatments were better in performance than those who had not received any treatment. Finally, the Split-plot ANOVA test run on the results of the posttest and delayed posttest indicated that there was a slight decrease overtime in scores of the students in two of the experimental conditions which was the result of both instruction or class type and its interaction with time but not time itself.
Keywords: movie watching, vocabulary presentation, pre-reading summarization
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