Correlation between Picture Use in Test Format and Students’ Vocabulary Achievement
This study investigated the correlation between picture use in test format and vocabulary achievement of 41 male and female seventh graders of Santu Petrus Junior High School. Hence, in this paper, the writer presents how strong the correlation between picture use in test format and vocabulary achievement of the seventh graders, and the students’ attitudes towards picture use in test format. Measurement results or scores obtained from the tests given in this study were used in order to find the coefficient through Pearson product moment correlation. On the other hand, observations were applied to know the students’ attitudes towards the assessment tool. The research resulted in a positive, very good correlation (r = .84) between picture use in test format and vocabulary achievement of the students. Furthermore, the study found that stimulating students’ vocabulary achievement through picture use in the test format is effective. Behaviourally, the students showed their focus, confidence, and enjoyment while doing the test with picture format as the test items were uncomplicated to understand.
Keywords: Correlation, Pictures, Test format, Vocabulary achievement
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