Loss of Essential Humanity and Empathy as a Result of Exploitations in Blasphemy by Tehmina Durrani

Asma Mubarik


After “My Feudal Lord” in 1991, “Blasphemy” is the second major work by Tehmina Durrani; first published in 1998. This book has taken the world by storm since its publication. The novel is a disturbing and agonizing tale of physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence, gender disparity, deterioration of moral and social values, misrepresentation of Islamic ideology, hypocrisy of so called “revered men of God”, exploitation of the weak and the disappearance of humanity and loss of empathy as the result of all these evils.

Keywords: Blasphemy, Tehmina Durrani, Exploitation; Misrepresentation, Deterioration, Dehumanization, Loss of empathy

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Durrani, T. (2000). Blasphemy. Lahore: Ferozsons Publishers Pvt.Ltd.

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Kulshreshtha, S. (1991). My Feudal Lord–An extraordinary tale of an ordinary woman. http://felinemusings.com/2008/07/12/my-feudal-lord/-

Raza, S. (2011). Unsynchronized Thoughts. Retrieved from http://saimah-raza.blogspot.com/2011/07/book-review-blasphemy.html.


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