The Comparison of Electromyography (EMG) During Blocking in Elite Sepaktakraw Athletes

Kacha Udomtaku, Patitta Wongseangtian


Background: Blocking is a major indicator of the sepaktakraw game’s results. The analysis of muscle activity involved in blocking provides coaches or amateur athletes with additional information about the importance of muscle groups that influence effective blocking. Objective: This research aimed to compare the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)during blocking elite sepaktakraw athletes in different muscles. Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study design with fourteen male sepaktakraw athletes (striker position) in the Sepaktakraw Thailand League, aged 20-40 years. All participants completed an informed consent by the ethical committee of Thailand National Sports University (TNSU-SCI 043-2566), and were placed electrodes on five muscle groups, including the rectus abdominis (RA), left rectus femoris (LRF), left gastrocnemius medialis (LGM), right rectus femoris (RRF) and right gastrocnemius medialis (RGM). The collection of blocking is divided into 3 phases: takeoff, flight and landing. Results: The LGM had the highest and was significantly with RA in takeoff phase and landing phase (P<0.05), RGM had the highest in flight phase and significantly different with takeoff (p<0.05). Moreover, RA during flight and landing significantly differed from takeoff (p<0.05). Conclusion: The information this research will help coaches and amateur athletes understanding the blocking in elite athletes. Additionally, they need a specific muscle training program.


Electromyography, Blocking, Different, Muscles, Elite, Athletes

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