Effect of Twelve Week Hypergravity Training on Sprinting Speed of the Cricketers

Sandip Sankar Ghosh, Prosenjit Roy, Raju Biswas, Biswajit Biswas


Background: Sprinting speed as a derivative of lower-body power is considered to be the most vital component of physical ability of the players. Traditional training methods fail to improve sprinting speed of the experienced players up to a certain limit that demands newer training means for further development of speed. Hypergravity Training (HT) has been identified as such a new type of training that was used by few researchers for the improvement of sprinting speed and power of the experienced rugby and soccer players. But it has still not been implemented on the cricketers for the development of sprinting speed. Objective: Therefore, the current randomized control trial was directed to assess the development of sprinting speed of the cricketers through the implementation of HT in comparison with the Normalgravity Training (NT) condition. Method: The present study was a quasi-experimental research work. One hundred and five (N=105) state cricketers were selected as subjects. The participants were split into three equal groups (n=35 each) viz. i) Normalgravity Training Group (NGTG), ii) Hypergravity Training Group (HGTG) & iii) Control Group (CG). NGTG & HGTG groups underwent the same exercise protocol for the periods of twelve weeks in normal & hypergravity conditions respectively whereas CG was free from the training intervention. Sprinting speed of the cricketers was measured by a 30m run test. ANCOVA preceded by Tukey’s LSD test were performed for data analysis. Statistical significance was examined at p<.05 level. Results: Significant F-value (F=61.122; p < 0.001) was observed. Sprinting speed of both training groups (NGTG & HGTG) improved significantly (Mean Diff=1.28 & 0.86; Critical Diff =0.41) in comparison to the CG. HGTG also differed significantly (Mean Diff =0.42; Critical Diff =0.41) when compared with NGTG in sprinting speed. Conclusions: The sprinting speed of HGTG improved better than NGTG. Therefore, HT is found as an effective training means for developing sprinting speed.


Weight-Bearing Exercise Program, Resistance Training, Sprint Interval Training, Hypogravity, Velocity, Acceleration

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijkss.v.10n.3p.64


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