Validity and Reliability of Futsal Coach Competency Evaluation Instruments

Guntur Firmansyah, Mashuri Eko Winarno, Heny Setyawati, Tri Rustiadi


Background: The study of the futsal coach competency evaluation instrument was done because there was no any existed instrument used to measure the futsal coach competence. Objective: This research aims to determine the validity and reliability of the futsal coach competency evaluation instrument. Method: the validation and reliability instruments were determined using three quantitative methods in the main phases or steps, which are expertly judged (content validation), theory test (logical validation) and data test (construct validation). The research was done by distributing questionnaires via a google form. Result: The instrument validity data is based on the average score of the research subjects assessment. Media experts scored 90.71%, 89.5% and 93.3% in 3 aspects. While material experts scored 87.69%, 85.38%, and 96.15% in 5 aspects. The KMO and MSA factors analysis test covers four competencies results: personality 0.893, social 0.884, intellectual 0.886 coachings 0.782. The instrument is valid based on the value range of 0.517-0.954. The instrument’s reliability, divided into four competencies, is reliable because the Cronbach alpha score is higher than 0.7. Conclusion: The findings of this study brings a new insight that the coach’s competence needs to be measured using appropriate, valid and reliable instruments. The results in this study are a competency evaluation instrument consisted of 4 competencies (personality, social, intellectual and coaching). This research will certainly provide a positive point to evaluate the competencies owned by futsal coaches.


Coach Competence, Futsal, Evaluation, Instrument, Validity, Reliability

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