Student Views on Literacy in Music Education in Theatre DepartmentsBurcu

Burcu Kalkanoğlu


In this study, it was aimed to examine student views on music education in theater departments. Case study model, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. The study group within the scope of the research consists of 10 undergraduate-II students of Trabzon University State Conservatory Performing Arts Department. In order to obtain the data, an interview form prepared by the researcher was created with “Google Form”. Content analysis method was used to analyze the data. According to the data obtained in the study, it was determined that music courses in theater departments in Turkey are mostly “Singing” courses. It was found that the number of music courses in theater departments during undergraduate education is low. According to the opinions of theater students, it was concluded that music education is very important and necessary in their departments. In line with these results, suggestions were made to increase the duration and number of music courses in theater departments.


Theater Department, Music Education, Student Opinions, Literacy

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