Guidelines for Literacy Transmission of Shan’ge Folk Songs in Guizhou Province, China

RanRan Huang, Khomkrich Karin, Yotsapan Pantasri, Kittikun Jungate


Nestled within the captivating landscapes of Guizhou Province, China, Shan’ge folk songs, a cherished tradition of the Yi ethnic group, embody a rich cultural heritage. This study aims to investigate the contemporary status of Shan’ge folk songs in Guizhou, with a focus on Panzhou County, Lupanshui City, and the Yi community, while proposing guidelines for their transmission through education and literacy initiatives. Nine key informants, including local musicians and community members, were interviewed, and field observations were conducted. Thematic coding and comparative analysis were employed to analyze the data. The result of this study shows that the enduring cultural significance of these songs, serving as cultural beacons, rituals, and oral history repositories, remains consistent, but challenges such as urbanization, changing lifestyles, and language shift threaten their transmission. We conclude by suggesting guidelines that encompass integrating Shan’ge folk songs into school curricula, fostering community-based learning, and leveraging digital tools to ensure their continuity. In embracing these strategies, Shan’ge folk songs can bridge the gap between tradition and modernity, honoring the past while safeguarding their future.


Shan’ge Folk Songs, Guizhou Province, Yi Ethnic Group, Cultural Preservation, Education, Transmission

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