Self-regulated Learning Skills in Instrument Education: A Qualitative Study

İlkay Ebru Tuncer Boon


The purpose of this study is to uncover and comprehend the current state of pre-service music teachers’ use of self-regulated learning skills in instrument education, as well as the obstacles they face and the techniques they use to develop these skills throughout their instrument education. The data were obtained from participants’ experiences and opinions and may be used to develop a conceptual framework concerning self-regulated learning skills and how these skills can be applied in teaching. This study reveals the importance of autonomy and co-regulation in the learning process, with a focus on teachers’ roles in fostering student autonomy and giving support. Previous research has shown that self-regulation tactics can be incorporated in education to improve learners’ self-regulation capacities. This study suggests that the “Individualized and Co-regulated Teaching Model in Instrument Education,” a student-centered method that stresses dialogue-oriented learning, teacher-student interaction, and tailored learning needs may be appropriate for many learners. Teachers are encouraged to adopt individualized teaching orientations, allowing students to set their own learning goals and monitor their progress, as guided by this model. Furthermore, efficient communication and co-regulation between teachers and students promote self-regulation and musical development. Given the growing importance of self-regulated learning skills in the distance learning era, educational programs should focus their development and empower learners to become independent, and lifelong learners through collaborative knowledge production. The findings of this study imply that more research on the application of self-regulation skills in instrument acquisition among lower-achieving or less-experienced students is needed. Overall, this study highlights the importance of self-regulated learning skills in instrument teaching and advocates its incorporation into instructional procedures.


Self-regulated Learning, Instrument Learning, Autonomous Learning, Co-regulation

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