Literature and Media: A Closer Look at Literature through a Social Networking Application

Ayşe Derya Eskimen


Today, traditional literacy habits are changing with various technological tools in digital environments. Social reading platforms are one of these innovations and changes. These networks are widely used in the world and in Turkey. The application 1000Kitap, the largest book reader network in Turkey, is one of these social networks. In this study, the opinions of pre-service teachers who review the books they read on this application, their attitudes towards reading and writing, and the contributions of this application to pre-service teachers were examined. The study was conducted with fifty-five Turkish pre-service teachers within the scope of the world literature course in the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. In the study, it was aimed to examine in detail the views of pre-service Turkish teachers on the 1000Kitap application by using mixed method. The quantitative dimension of the research is a survey model that tries to describe the existing situation as it is. In the quantitative dimension of the study, survey technique, one of the data collection techniques of this model, was used. In the qualitative dimension of the study, a case study, one of the qualitative research methods, was conducted. The qualitative data used in the study were obtained from a semi-structured interview form. It was found that the attitudes of the pre-service teachers who examined the work they read in the 1000Kitap application, made quotations, and shared their opinions were at a high level; their opinions about the application were very motivating and useful in terms of interaction and sharing; the application increased their reading motivation and contributed to the opportunity to see different perspectives.


Social Networking Sites, 1000Kitap, Pre-Service Teachers, Reading-Writing Attitude

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