Classroom Teachers’ Perception Levels On Flipped Learning

Oğuzhan Kuru


The process of education and training is one of the most affected and compelled fields to change by technology which changes and progresses every day. It cannot be expected for a uniform education that is stuck in certain patterns to meet the needs of the current age. In the recent years, the process of education has acquired a new format under the name flipped education with the influence of global factors and technological advancements. Flipped education has affected all its partakers and cause them to make changes. The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of classroom teachers, who are one of the most important partakers of education, of flipped learning in terms of various variables. With this purpose, a study group consisting of 306 classroom teachers who worked in primary schools affiliated with the Ministry of Education in the 2021- 2022 academic year were selected through the maximum variation sampling method. The data of the study were collected through the Flipped Learning Perception Scale developed by Erensayın (2019) which consists of four sub-dimensions as, teacher self-efficacy, technological competence, pedagogical competence, and technological-pedagogical competence. According to the results of the study, it was determined that there is a significant difference in favor of mostly male teachers in terms of gender; there is a significant difference in favor of teachers who have received flipped learning training in terms of training on flipped learning and that there is a significant difference between the teachers with the most seniority and teachers with medium level seniority in terms of professional seniority. No difference was found in terms of the grade level the teachers taught.


Flipped learning, Classroom teacher, Technological-pedagogical competence

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