The Correlation between Leadership Styles and Organizational Cynicism: Which Leadership Style is Best for Schools?

Bahar Dogan, Barış Yıldız


The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between school administrators’ multi-factor leadership styles and organizational cynicism perceptions. In this research, correlational research method being one of the quantitative research methods was used. The population of this research consists of school principals and vice principals working in public schools in the districts of Avcilar, Basaksehir, Bahcelievler, Bakirkoy, Beylikduzu and Esenyurt. The sample consists of 184 school principals and vice principals who were reached through convenience sample method. Multi-Factor Leadership Scale (MFLS), Organizational Cynicism Scale (OCS) and demographic information form were used in process of gathering data. In the process of data collection, online forms of the scales were applied to participants. The SPSS program was preferred to analyze the data of this research and descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal Wallis Test and Spearman Correlation Coefficient Test were conducted. Findings demonstrated in this study that there was a moderate negative correlation between transformational leadership and organizational cynicism; a moderate positive correlation between laissez faire leadership and organizational cynicism. To prevent or reduce the negative beliefs and effects of school administrators on the educational organization, it can be ensured that the transformational leadership style is understood with both conceptual and exemplary behavior models and human resources policies can be produced in the administration. Instead of persisting traditional school administrator, transformational leadership style should embrace in schools.


Laissez-faire leadership, Leadership Styles, Organizational Cynicism, School, School Administrator, Transactional Leadership, Transformational Leadership

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