Types and the Classification Criteria of the Bilingualism in Turkey: A Meta-Synthesis

Ömer Tuğrul Kara


This meta-synthesis study aims to reveal the types of bilingualism in Turkey by interpreting the quantitative data and findings obtained from studies on bilingualism types. In the light of the findings, 28 types of bilingualism and 5 classification criteria have been identified in the theses written on bilingualism in the “Turkish Higher Education Institution Thesis Center database”. The synthesis data show that the most addressed type of bilingualism in 22 theses was “balanced” and “dominant bilingualism”. The most frequently used criterion in classifying bilingualism is “skill level criterion”, followed by “age of acquisition”, “cognitive organization,” and “status of the two languages”.


Bilingualism, Bilingualism in Turkey, Classification Criteria of Bilingualism, Types of Bilingualism, Meta-synthesis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.11n.3p.170


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