Teachers’ Views on Providing Motivation Based on ARCS Model in Online Musical Instrument Education

Hacer Teke, Gulsah Sever


The aim of this study is to reveal the applications for the tools, methods, and strategies used to provide motivation in online instrument education in line with the opinions of instrument educators. In the study, interview, observation, and literature review, which are among the qualitative research methods, were used. Within the scope of the research, 41 teachers who provided online instrument training were interviewed, and 10-hour lesson observations were made. In the content analysis based on the Arcs model, it was observed that teachers used technological tools and applications to provide motivation in their lessons, included games, and planned their lessons according to age groups and individual differences of students in online instrument education. To provide motivation in the context of the Arcs model, it was seen that they applied the most to establish interest and the least to the satisfaction dimension. Based on this research, it has been proposed to use methods and strategies that motivate students in online courses and to develop online pedagogical approaches and technological course programs.


Motivation, Online Lessons, Music Training, Instrument Training

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.11n.2p.13


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