Changing Children’s Literature in the Digital Age: Digital Books

Ipek Ozbay, Yagmur Ozge Ugurelli


Technological tools are considered an important part of daily life for young children. The study explores what types of digital books are available for children. This research was conducted with a qualitative design and the research data was collected through document analysis. The e-books (n=261) were randomly selected for evaluation from the Internet or the APP store. The findings showed that more than half of the e-books were electronically re-contextualized literary texts. It has been seen that the majority of digital books created in this way have been transferred to digital media in the form of scanned digital books named text-based files. It has been observed that less than half of e-books are digitally originated literary texts. It has been seen that the majority of digital books created in this way are e-stories for early readers. In addition, it is seen that there are very few examples of e-narratives with interactive story contexts that have features that increase the interaction of the reader with the book. At this point, it will be important to focus on developing examples of digital resources supported by various multimedia elements.


Children’s Literature, Digital Books, E-Books, Early Childhood, Story Apps

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