Evaluation of Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions about Specific Learning Difficulties through Online Photovoice (OPV) Method

Kürşat Öğülmüş, Murat Hikmet Acikgoz, Ahmet Tanhan


In this study, the researchers (i) determined the perception levels of candidate teachers about Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD) using Online Photovoice (OPV) methodology, (ii) shared the research results with relevant researchers and practitioners in order to contribute to increase the knowledge level of candidate teachers about SLD, and finally (iii) discussed the results of the research in order to lay the groundwork for more meaningful and useful research and services. OPV technique was used in the data collection phase, and Online Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (OIPA) was used in the data analysis phase. A total of 367 teacher candidates studying in different teaching programs participated in the study; the answers of 42 students were removed from the analysis for various reasons, and the remaining 325 students formed the final sample. The participants were asked about the most important factor/concept that defines SLD in order to measure their perceptions about SLD. Thirteen main themes were created regarding the most important factor/concept that defined SLD; the most important main themes and percentages were as follows: It is a situation in which the individual has difficulties in cognitive (reading, writing and mathematics) skills (51%), a situation that needs support (16%), and a situation that causes differences in learning style (12%). At the end of the study, the researchers made suggestions to the relevant researchers and practitioners in order to increase their knowledge level about SLD. With this research, the researchers used the OPV technique for the first time in the field of SLD, and they brought a new breath to future research.


Special Education, Specific Learning Disability, Perceptions Of Special Learning Difficulties, Teacher Candidates, Online Photovoice (OPV), Photo Voice, Online Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (OIPA)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.9n.2p.161


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