Turning Social Problems Determined by Pre-service Teachers into Course Content in Primary Education

Ahu Taneri


In the present study, after 109 pre-service teachers had completed at least one of the teaching practice or teaching practicum courses, their styles of identifying social problems and adapting social problems into lesson contents were examined. The pre-service teachers’ perceptions of social problems, the values they want to teach while transforming social problems into course content, key competencies, and the teaching method and techniques they prefer to use were analyzed. In addition, the grade levels and primary school lessons at which they intended to teach social problems were also examined. As a result, it was concluded that the pre-service teachers were able to handle social problems within national and international contexts and turn them into course contents.


Teacher Training, Pre-Service Teachers, Elementary Education, Social Problems, Course Content

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.9n.2p.151


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