A Bibliometric Analysis of Articles on Text Simplification: Sample of Scopus Database

Halil Ziya Özcan, Zekerya Batur


Literacy is a term generally used for adults and young people. Basically, it is an acquisition that includes the process of reading, writing and understanding symbols in any language. While this concept, whose definition and scope has expanded over time, refers to people who can only say their names in the past, today it refers to individuals who can perform more functional skills. What is expected from today’s literacy, which is also referred to as functional literacy, is not just saying the name, but also understanding what you read and harmonizing these information with the environment. It is critical to create texts that are easier to interpret, especially for poor readers and individuals learning foreign languages, in today’s world where reading comprehension and correct use of information have become extremely important. In this context, the text simplification method, which is one of the text modification methods, comes to the fore. In accordance with these information, this current study aims to presents the bibliometric analysis of articles on text simplification, which are published in journals indexed in Scopus database in the field of social sciences. The data set of the study consists of 194 articles on text simplification published in journals scanned in the field of social sciences and scopus database. These 194 articles were examined in terms of different variables. The research is generally a descriptive study and document analysis method was used as a method. In the data analysis stage of the research, VOSviewer visualization software version 1.6.16 was used. According to the results obtained from the study, the most articles on text simplification were written in 2020 (f: 21), most cited article is “Interpretation as Abduction” (f: 363) written by J.R Hobbs, M.E Stickel, D.E. Appelt and P. Martin. Findings obtained from the research were shared in the form of tables, graphs and figures. The most common keywords that preffered by authors is “Simplification” (f: 18). The most cited institution is “Artifical Intelligence Center” (f: 363). The most cited journal is “Artifical Intelligence” (f: 363). The most published country is United States of America (f: 30). The most cited country is United States of America (f: 863). All findings obtained from the research were shared as tables and figures in the findings section.


Text Simplification, Bibliometric Analysis, Scopus Database, Article

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.9n.2p.24


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