Exploring the Main Barriers of Technology Integration in the English Language Teaching Classroom: A Qualitative Study

Rouholllah Khodabandelou, Junny Ei Mon That, Melinda Anne A/P S.Selvaraju, Tan Yan Ken, Zhu Kewen, Zhang Yan, Tan Yan Ning


The abundance of technology in recent years has contributed to development in the societies, industries, and education. It is proven from the current trend of technology such as the emergence and rise of smart phones, tablets, laptops and wireless internet connection that the present and future world will be heralded by technology. The integration of technology into the teaching and learning process is idealistic with the existence of vast information and multimedia on the internet and innovative inventions of devices that serve as great assistance. However, the available technology has not been put to good use in the English language teaching and learning classroom for some reasons, especially in developing countries like Malaysia. Thus, this research is conducted to determine the hindrances faced by the education community in Malaysia. The current qualitative research involved seven individuals who discussed issues relating to the hindrances of technology integration in English language teaching and learning. This paper presents the results of the discussion and provides suggestions on some possible solutions to the identified obstacles faced by the education community in using technology in a more efficient and resourceful manner for the teaching and learning development.

Keywords: TESL, barriers, technology, integration, higher education

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