The Cultural Landscape in Sarawakian Literature in English (SLIE)

Patrick Yeoh, Arbaayah Ali Termizi, Shivani Sivagurunathan


This paper explores the major works in the Sarawakian Literature in English (SLIE) corpus of works (both original and contemporary writing in English and folktales translated into English) from a cultural perspective to demonstrate how such ethnic diversity has influenced the very form and content of the multi-genred works of English writing in Sarawak, published particularly in the past half-century or so from the 1960s to the present. The hermeneutics approach is used in conjunction with a thematic approach, examining related themes in synchronic or paradigmatic clusters and applying the hermeneutic Post-Structural system.



Borneo Literature Bureau, literature from Sarawak, multi-cultural literature in English, post-Brooke era

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