The Comparative Effect of Audio-Taped and Written Homework Feedback on EFL Learners’ Speaking Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency

Maryam Mashoura, Abdollah Baradaran, Ghassemi Nazanin


The main focus of the present study was the comparative effect of two various types of homework and feedback (Audio-Taped Homework Feedback and Written Homework Feedback) on EFL learners’ speaking complexity, accuracy and fluency. Also, there are three dependent variables including Speaking Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency. The study offered the same kind of teaching procedures to 60 female EFL learners, selected from a population of 90 individuals. All have been studying at intermediate level of English learning at the same institute for approximately 3 years. The process of participant selection was based on learners’ performance on a sample piloted test called PET, at Zabansara institution. Indeed, Due to the fact that there is a need to be able to generalize the present study’s findings to similar contexts of learning, the piloted PET test was carried out and general language proficiency level of students was measured meticulously. Moreover, the total number of the present research participants (60) was divided into one experimental groups as Audio-Taped Homework Feedback and one experimental group as Written Homework Feedback. Each individual group consisted of 30 members. 10 sessions of treatment (each 2 hours) were held for both experimental groups. The outlook of the present research study was seen as enhancement of language learners’ Speaking Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency. Hence, two models of Homework (by the participants) and Feedback (by the teacher) were carried out. The present research study included one independent variable with two modalities of Audio-Taped Homework Feedback and Written Homework Feedback. What is more, there are three dependent variables as Speaking Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency. It is necessary to point it out that a Pre and Posttest of Speaking was administered to all individuals (participants) considering Speaking Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency. To this end, the statistical analyses were conducted and the obtained results showed a significant influence of Audio-Taped Homework Feedback on the mentioned dependent variables, comparing with Written Homework Feedback. This research study is hoped to increase students’ general language proficiency level along with the focus on new methodologies of assignment/feedback and implementation of the findings as reference in further educational contexts.


Audio-Taped Homework Feedback, Written Homework Feedback, Speaking Complexity, Accuracy, Fluency

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